Today's education is a form of "brainwashing" by the elites - to get you to do what they want you to do. It is "pushed", especially Higher Education, because it is a socialization "tool" for control. If you doubt this, "really" observe college campuses today and the Political Correctness bullshit.
"Real" Education involves questioning Everything - including authority, the media, etc. - which forms the "core" of belief systems and thus, action.
"Real" Education involves a balance between theory and experience, book-smart & street-smart. This means nothing is taken at "face value" as fact, but investigated thoroughly first. One just doesn't believe what they hear without "checking it out".
Remember, everyone has an agenda - even if they do not speak about it or even realize it. The internet "shows" this as the case. The elites want you indoctrinated, because it is then easier to manipulate you along with the masses.
All societies are class systems. The wealthy & powerful upper class does "lord it over" the lower classes. Talk to the rare person, who might have made a "jump" into the upper class from below. You will discover that there is even a different way of thinking and action. The "jumper" will always have a different perspective.
Despite the fact there are so many people, especially in "first world" nations, with college degrees - there are still are so many stupid people. (A revealing indicator of this would be vehicle drivers on the roadways.)
To paraphrase Voltaire - "Common Sense is Not Common".
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