All TV Commercials should be banned. Most of the Paid Programming & commercials, especially on late-night cable television are scams anyway.
Then, the advertising revenue would flow to make newspapers & radio relevant again.
All scammers that advertise on TV and radio and "rip people off" should be Shot & have all their possessions confiscated by "The State"! You know who they are & have seen or heard the "scam ads" and possibly have read about them on the internet.
All internet Spammers should be Shot also - no matter where they are from. I would assassination squads to their home to "pick them off". As for countries that push that 419 scam - Nigeria should just be destroyed (maybe completely Nuke 'um).
You know why the scammers and spammers don't get caught and punished harshly ?
because some government "crooked" official is getting a "cut" from the profits. So, they don't want to find the criminals nor execute them.
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