I see the ad spots on my TV for the new movie brüno. You are entertained by the same "hack" (Sasha Baron Cohen) that brought you Borat. I have more acting ability in my "ball sweat".
America's social degradation is in "full throttle" ahead. During the last decade, the increasing numbers of movies, television shows, music songs are just not even worthy to be called "shit".
There is more less quality movies than ever before. (No wonder - Hollyweird has to advertise so often to have people spend more money to go to the theatre to watch "big budget crap". There hasn't been a decent comedy in years. Instead we hear statements like "this is the best comedy ever". Yea, Right!
I also heard lines like this, "The #1 show on television". When the script is completely asinine & the acting ability is "piss-poor", at best. Reality shows are "scripted, modified reality" - Not true to life.
Everyone is trying to capitalize and copy everyone else. so, there is just so much of the same "shit". Every station (network or cable) has a cop show, hospital "drama", and a lame-ass comedy with a laugh track. There is very little originality these days. A lot of these situations these shows "solve & resolve" in a half or full hour time slot would take years in "real life" to come to a conclusion.
At least, I know where the inherent bias is - when I watch the History Channel.
There is almost no variety in the music industry. American Idol is full of "talent-less dweebs". In many cases the men sound like women - just listen, they have lost their "balls".
It's kind of like the hispanic music I hear, while driving, all over southern california - it all sounds the same. Like Polka music with horns!
So, you wonder the United States is going down the "shitter". The obvious answer is the people have set their standards so low, you have to be beyond untalented and "full of shit". This doesn't just apply to the entertainment industry - but all realms of the american society. And they call this "civilized progress" ?
The elites, that control this "moron-filled" planet love this. They understand the same strategy that "undid" the Roman Empire - keep the people distracted, while at the same time "dumbing them down". The future result will be a population of idiots (Like in the Luke Wilson movie - Idiocracy).
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