I would take Wilt Chamberlain over Michael Jordan any day as the greatest pro basketball of all time - it is not even close. Even a 50 year Chamberlain would dominate Jordan in a one-on-one contest. Jordan would get "sh*t swatted" & there is no way Jordan could stop "The Big Dipper".
Chamberlain was not the biggest player in the NBA in his time. unlike Mike, Wilt did not get favorable treatment from the league & referees - they did everything to try to stop him. Yet, Wilt never "fouled out" of a game, at any level. The only thing that slowed Chamberlain - is that a few coaches wanted him to sacrifice his scoring for "the good of the team" and play much more defense and rebound.
Remember, Wilt has his best games against other Hall-of-Famers, who were very familiar with his tendencies since they played against each other more frequently due to less teams and players. Not the talent-deluded & way-over media hyped league Michael Jordan played in (The NHL was as Popular then, if not more so). Plus, Chamberlain was on some teams that were devoid of any talent & thus was triple-team often.
If I recall one season, didn't Wilt average 50 points & 30 rebounds per game for a whole season - while being the single focus of opposing teams. There is no doubt, He could have done this every year, if so desired & everyone would have been powerless to stop him. Also, Wilt left the NBA for the ABA San Diego Conquistadors (blocked by the Lakers - so retired) at an earlier time than Jordan.
Plus, Wilt was a lot better athlete at other sports, like volleyball, than Jordan's terrible baseball career.
If Wilt was still alive - I believe he would whip Mike's a$$ - even today.
As for Kobe Bryant or LeBron James of today's super-hyped, individual star-driven NBA of today - forget about it! They don't belong in this discussion as of right now.
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