George W. Bush (let's throw in his father also - as well as, Arnold Schwarzenegger, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, and many other elites) is a "new" Nazi Fascist. These elite Nazis have a very different agenda than street-level "skinhead" Nazis. Bush is like Adolf Hitler, but "sneakier" - not so open about his or someone else's agenda like Hitler and the Nazis.
If the same standard, used in the past, is applicable they should be applied to Bush. He should be accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity just as Manuel Noriega or Saddam Hussein were judged that way. The elder Bush's CIA "pushed" Hussein in power to fill a "power vacuum" vs. Iran when the Ayatollah took over from the Shah.
It is well known that the United States helped, some say "placed", both Noriega and Saddam into their "power positions" within their nations for various reasons. However, when their purpose for American interests was fulfilled - they were both "put aside" and deposed for "crimes". The public has little idea how often this happened regarding American foreign policy in the past century or so. Don't believe the bullshit you read in the media. Most of the information the media gets about the government comes from government sources or political "sympathizers" - awaiting favors in turn. (See info on the Governmental/Industrial/Corporate Complex)
Fucking elitist bastards with the attitude that the United States invade anyone they do Not like or when their interests (real or imagined) are Not being "furthered enough" - under the guise of American interests are being threatened. Yea! Grenada was a threat to mighty America - what a crock!
I digress; George W. Bush should suffer the same fate as Saddam Hussein - death - along with his war criminal buddies (Dick Cheney, etc.). The Bush Family and all past presidents involved with war should be convicted of crimes against humanity. Every member of these "elite" families should be included in these crimes and suffer the punishment because they benefited from the unneeded sacrifices of those less fortunate for personal gain. No Exceptions! Otherwise, there is a double-standard here. You and I both know that these elites will do anything to absolve themselves of guilt and avoid being blamed for the murder of civilians.
A Rule of Thumb: when you win the war and become the "top dog" - you make the rules. A survival of the fittest concept. so, the alternative is win or die - never surrender even to death!
It is well known for the "real" reason the U.S. Military is currently in the Middle East, under the deception of the "evil" United Nations, in the first place is to protect the Bush family oil and other elite interests. Some of the building was done by the bin Laden construction family (long time Bush buddies).
Many non-combatants have been killed in various "police actions" and "non-declared wars" in just the last 25 plus years - but, much of these facts have been disregarded by the mainstream "western media" - to hide the "true purpose" for being there. People have been fed a "bunch of bullshit" variety of stories such as the First Gulf War Patriot missiles "hitting" 90% of their intended targets. The reality is was no better than 15% were actually "on-target". Where do you think the other 85% "hit" ? Family homes, etc. thats who.
I support the troops - but I don't like how the troops of many nations have been "hung out to dry" by elites and their own governments without regard of "putting them in harms way". For what reason - many times is a secret. The nature of war for a soldier is kill or be killed.
I don't send out the military to protect my oil family interests and kill my own citizens under the pretext of combating terrorism - but Bush gets to - why is he exempt from justice ? Elites have their own justice. Many know who the "real terrorists" are. You have No idea what the government hides in their own "skeleton closet". Thus, Obama isn't going to do "shit about it" - so his own "dirty laundry" won't be revealed to the masses.
Maybe the Nazis won the "long-term" war after all, as a reincarnation of the old order (with a "new face"), & the rest of us will end up in "more modern concentration camps".
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