If I ran the United States - There would be No IRS & No Property Taxes of any kind. Moreover, All taxes would be eliminated except a 14% across-the-board sales tax (you buy, you pay more) with no exceptions & no loopholes. Not even the head-of-state (Me!) would be exempt. If you want to create a loophole - then you would be shot!
Sorry schools, but we kept "throwing money" at you however the schools are crap & still a disaster (see comparisons to other schools in first-world nations). Find your money sources somewhere else. Remember, some people have no children - so why should they have to pay ?
Prior to implementation of my system, all current members and employees of government departments, along with all politicians, officials, committees, lobbyists, etc., at all levels would be shot! ("taking out the trash").
The new "scaled down" (and much fewer) government departments, under my administration, would have budget limits that I set. If that organization goes over the budget limit, then everyone in that department would be shot for "wasting the peoples money. In all situations of corruption and "waste", that I become aware of, would be punishable by death. No exceptions!
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