All Public Relations people are wanna-be serious media reporters, but couldn't "cut it".
Another possibility is that these PR people have "sold their soul" and aligned themselves with scumbags, such as politicians, to "feed" the public a misleading positive image for their clients. This means doing everything in their power to hide all the "dirty laundry" in background - so the average person doesn't see it and be outraged.
That is not true.
Some PR people are people like the path I was on as an academic and somewhat intelligent communicator.
It is THE job, if you wish to create trends, alter the course of history and generate words.
Words like kleenex or kotex or slinky.
...or words like Seig HEIL or War on Terror or the War on Drugs
All are the result of work by people like me. I have a BA in Communications (interpersonal/public speaking) and Psychology, an MS in Media Studies, Interactive Media and Economics, and all but an accepted dissertation in Linguistics - a little known Jungian branch usually called the study of "Memes" (thoughts that are essentially word-viruses)
Visit my several small blogs, or google me.
I'm John Hubertz - a Patriot, and trying to Save the World for our kids.
Oh ps: you can google the term "wordviruses" to learn more on memes and viral behaviors that are not people - but living THOUGHTS and WORDS formed into things like our FOREIGN POLICY under Bush or more positively, the way we speak about and feel about child sexual abuse now.
It is really interesting - but I'm a word-geek.
dammit sorry - here's the google search:
wordviruses, hubertz, memes OR just go to my dissertation blog;
(take out the parentheses)
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