Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Worldwide Collapse Was Created On Purpose
This current "crisis" was made easier by the United States "going off" the gold standard in the 1970's. This is significant considering the worldwide post World War II financial institutions/system was initiated and setup by America - thus, they have the most influence.
This "created" crisis means that only the powerful elite's friends, businesses, and industries get bailed out. Also, what is happening, at the same time, is that the common person loses their biggest asset - their home - to the friends of the elites (the banking/financial system). Thus, who has really gained more power ?
Throughout history, the most valuable item has been land. Many wars have been fought over this "commodity". The rich get richer and the poorer get poorer.
Remember, the phrase used by the Roman Senate in the Mel Brooks movie "History Of The World, Part I" ? The Senate chants "Fuck The Poor" in their chamber. Today, the elites go further and their chant is "Fuck all that are Not a part of us" - including the poor, middle class, and the lower rungs of the upper classes.
If you do Not believe this - history will "bear this out" - and unfortunately, will probably happen to you in some form or some fashion. It is a matter of time. If you have already forgotten, George Bush stated that "There is a New World Order" is one of his speeches. Plus, other powerful individuals, in other parts of the world, have admitted to being involved with secret world (domination) organizations.
The "tool" is here and the common people are just the "nail" - ready to be hammered!
Sidney Crosby Hype & Bias
Malkin flourished and played even better without Crosby, when Sid "The Kid" was injured for long "stretches" during the 2007-08 season. This happened when Malkin was still learning the english language and after "fleeing" his native Russia then "hiding out" before beginning playing for the Penguins.
Maybe, because the pressure was off of Evgeni with Crosby around ? However, Malkin had more pressure on him, when Crosby was injured & produced. Anyway, I think Alexander Ovechkin is a better player than Sidney Crosby, especially with improved defensive-zone responsibility.
I believe there is a North American bias by the American & Canadian sports/hockey media towards Sidney (Crosby) due to the fact that is Canadian. I am of the thought that there would be a bias against non-North American born and trained player (Malkin & Ovechkin are both Russian). Hockey Night In Canada host Don Cherry is the most outspoken person against European players. I personally would like to "whip his ass"!
If am Not right - Prove me wrong! Remember, Toronto thinks they are the center of the "Hockey Universe".
Monday, December 29, 2008
EBay Is A Fraud
What they suspend buyer & seller accounts for (creating "fake auctions, shill bidding, making actual bids on individual auctions, "fake" sales, "flat out" scamming, etc.) - they do themselves "to gloss it over" & "pump it up" to make it appear that everything is "same as normal" business-wise. So, people will stay (and not leave) or come back to sell there, then, Bam! eBay "gets you" with more fees/charges.
I have seen on a repeated basis, multiple auctions for items that have "shown" repeatedly as sold by the same account, the same item (& exact model number) that I have only one of. However, my item was working, fully tested, and better condition than the item in the "ebay created" auction. Even sometimes our item was half the price and on auction at the same time - yet out item received no inquires or watchers. This same situation has happened on quite a few occasions in the past couple of years. Hmm, suspicious. I no longer list any items on ebay.
Well, I say F*ck you Feebay. You're lucky, I don't utterly destroy everyone there from the CEO, Investors, on-down.
Just another corrupt, "greed infested", mismanaged corporation that forgot who helped build it - in the first place. I say "down with" all corporations that layoff thousands of "workers" and lower-level management positions - yet, have to give that CEO another $10 million + bonus/salary increase. Even when that same company is decreasing in profits or losing money.
So, you think you are not controlled by a "central organizational force" ?
You Know You Pay For More Ads, Right ?
For example, AIG was increasing its ads on various television stations - yet, it was in the media that AIG was in need of a bailout by the federal government. This was at the height of the "manufactured" panic as a result of "elite class created" financial disaster of 2008.
Where was the American Insurance Group (AIG) multinational company getting the money to run more of those ads - from You, hoping more "suckers" would "take" what were offering & purchase as much AIG products & services as possible.
Where was the government getting the money to bailout their "buddies" in different industries - from You, in tax revenue from (as George Bush would refer to it) "the help".
Monday, December 15, 2008
I Think It's Ridiculous ... America = softer than butter!
But, everyone is so sensitive by some comments – America has gotten soft & offended too easily. You are only free in America on paper - Only! Society, through the corrupt media, dictates how one should behave. Individualism is now considered "Out" & Not "cool". The Elites love this willing socialization of & acceptance by the populace. The Media even tells you that there are 2 sides to every story - incorrect. There are multiple sides to every story - It's just cheaper to cover two angles.
Better hope the U.S. never gets invaded by a foreign power, because most of the population would “shame the country with its cowardness”. I am surprised that the United States is still the "Great Power" considering the populace is so "soft". But, this is what happens before a "great fall" - just like the Romans - get "fat & content".
I don’t think Sean Avery should have apologized for his comments – but have the balls to “stand behind them” and tell Commissioner Gary Bettman, along with everyone else who doesn't like it - to go "fuck themselves"! Some comments were true & correct and there is many other examples of the dating merry-go-round on various teams. What’s next ?
I hope Avery gets revenge on the Stars & score a winning goal in a game, while at the same time, knock Dallas out of the NHL playoffs – even if it is Not this year.
I say "Get Mad & Get Even!"
The Case Against George W. Bush
The Case Against George W. Bush
By Ron Reagan
September 2004 Issue
And chances are your America and George W. Bush's America are not the same place.
If you are dead center on the earning scale in real-world twenty-first-century America, you make a bit less than $32,000 a year, and $32,000 is not a sum that Mr. Bush has ever associated with getting by in his world.
Bush, who has always managed to fail upwards in his various careers, has never had a job the way you have a job - where not showing up one morning gets you fired, costing you your health benefits. He may find it difficult to relate personally to any of the nearly two million citizens who've lost their jobs under his administration, the first administration since Herbert Hoover's to post a net loss of jobs.
Mr. Bush has never had to worry that he couldn't afford the best available health care for his children. For him, forty-three million people without health insurance may be no more than a politically inconvenient abstraction.
When Mr. Bush talks about the economy, he is not talking about your economy. His economy is filled with pals called Kenny-boy who fly around in their own airplanes.
In Bush's economy, his world, friends relocate offshore to avoid paying taxes. Taxes are for chumps like you. You are not a friend. You're the help.
When the party Mr. Bush is hosting in his world ends, you'll be left picking shrimp toast out of the carpet.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Stronger Bullying The Weaker
A excuse, used by George H. Bush (the elder), for an invasion led by the United States (under a guise of the United Nations) was that the stronger nations have no right to "pick on" weaker nations {my paraphrase of what George Bush Sr. actually said}.
This is quite humorous & full of shit considering that the American military has started many wars with much smaller nations since the "outgoing" President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the U.S. public, on television in the late 1950's, about the government-industrial-military complex.
Hmmm, notice that the United States doesn't pick "a fight" against a "real" opponent - some nation that could give it a "run for its money - like the Russians or Chinese. But, someone who the "big bully" knew they should defeat. However, that didn't work in Vietnam for the U.S. or Afghanistan for the Russians.
The premise behind that statement was that each succeeding President would involve the country in some war. That Prophecy has been self-fulfilling in that most have been in wars since that time. Because Presidents are just "tools" & "puppets" (i.e. - a "front-man") of the groups and individuals who hold "the real power" behind the scenes. At the same time, most of the American public has been "too dull" to recognize this.
Wars tend to help a "struggling, recession" economy recover - but only in the short-term. Long-term wars hinder the economy, because most war-related products are not normally purchased & used by the "everyday, civilian" economy. Thus, alot of over-production of not useful "real" goods and consumables.
Plus, in a war-time, priority dictates that there is a lack of production of items that do not directly help the war effort. "Shifting economic gears" is easier said than done and takes awhile to "reconvert" back to a "normal" non war-time economy. Not surprisingly, that "opens the door" for considerable waste and "behind the scenes" price "gouging" & similar activities.
The powerful, wealthy elites love wars because they make even more money "off of everyone else", gain more control over society as a whole, and do not have to sacrifice their very lives in the "effort".
Yes, the average person does not have "a clue" about what "really goes on" and who is in "real" control.
Friday, November 28, 2008
You Were Told Flouride Is Good For You
It even says in the commercials & sometimes on the toothpaste box - Flouride fights cavities.
My question is : But, does it win ?
There are many fighters "out there" with losing records.
Many know that the government allows & even encourages "putting in" flouride into the drinking water supply in the United States. A contrary example, another first-world progressive thinking nation such as Sweden banned this practice in the 1960's after much scientific study. Hmmm, I wonder why ? Of course, the government helps their "buddies" and does want this course of action to continue to further the most greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical industry on earth.
I have heard people say that the American Dental Association (ADA) approves the use of flouride.
You know why the ADA recommends flouride ?
Even though they know that flouride is a "bad thing" (a toxic waste product from rock - as tested in laboratories).
This same ADA put their "seal of approval" on the use of mercury in teeth fillings for many years - which is now being proved as a "poisoning" health hazard to some people.
The ADA is nothing more than a private bureaucracy & a lobbyist organization. The more people go to the dentist, the more dentists are involved in the ADA membership, and the result is that ADA grows in power, influence, and money. The purpose is to "bribe" & make "back-office deals" with political officials that determine policy.
There are even statements such as "prevents" this or that - However, is it successful ? How much did it "really prevent" ? Just another thought!
The Rule is the one with most money and power always wins! Otherwise, prove me wrong!
Understand This! You Are Here To Serve
You morons who voted in the November elections do Not relize a basic concept - the political leadership & powerful, influential elites don't give a crap about you.
The average person is here to serve them and their corrupt agenda. The "system" is "setup" for you to fail - on purpose (even though a few get lucky & succeed). The same "system" that needs to be overthrown & completely destroyed.
The purpose of the current "system" is to use any means possible to have utter domination of every aspect of your lives and even more so, population control.
If you still believe them & in their "system" (and I know many do) - then you are fool! You can do everything in your life "correctly" and follow the "rules" to no avail.
They even use religion to emphasize & brainwash you - to obey your leaders. So, they can "screw" you.
Until you wake up & "smell the coffee" - you are "doomed"! If no obliteration action is taken - then, you are "doomed" anyway!
The American People Are Like A Dead Fish
You might think people such as Michael Moore and James Scurlock are "crackpots" - but they are telling you a small part of what is "really going on behind the scenes".
Sure, they might be "going about it" in the wrong way & have too much emotion in their films. But, the overall message is clear. The media is in on the conspiracy to "hide many things" from the public - as to Not create panic.
Tell me this has Not happened to you or someone you know.
Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders (2006 Movie)
- outrageous practices within the consumer-lending industry.
They are all making big money off of you with no one on your side!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Detroit Big 3 Deserve To Go Bankrupt
It's no wonder why Washington D.C. desparately wants to bailout the Big Three (Ford, Chrysler, General Motors) Detroit automakers.
They have been "in bed together" & worked with each to "crush" & destroy quite a few small innovative manufacturers in the past. For example, Tucker Motor Company in the 1940's.
Now the "piper has come calling" and the big three in Detroit should get what they deserve - to go bankrupt for bad management & stagnation (wonder why the Japanese are kicking their a$$ in their own "backyard" ?).
But, you & I both know that won't happen! (Two "whores" sleeping together)
This is another instance of a "crooked" governmental-industrial complex conspiracy. However, they both will use the media "whore" to "send out" misinformation about the economic collapse to "scare" the people. If the "background elites" don't get what they want (i.e. to save their ass, so they can profit from You).
The "elites" are out to screw you - any way they can. To them your life matters only, if you can benefit them. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you live or die. The "elite" thought process is: there are many more people to take your place & "rob".
There is no "real justice" unless you are a connected, wealthy, & powerful elite. Just remember the Romans - they "allowed" themselves to get in this position in time, then they fell too!
Let me tell you now - the Free Enterprise System, like The American Dream, is a lie. If you don't believe me - tell that to the people who have recently lost their jobs & their homes.
Patents, Trademarks, & Copyrights Foster Stagnation
Also, No language phrases should have a patent on it (yes, Boxing MC Michael Buffer - I have made fun of you to your face in Nevada).
Remember, innovation is against the "elites" interests because they cannot profit from your creativity.
If I ran the U.S. - I would destroy & make illegal all international patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. - any dare to challenge this ruling of mine would face a firing squad for insolence.
All those who support this New World Order control mechanism should be shot!
Parades Encourage Rebellion
If I ran this nation of fools (the U.S.) - There would Not be any parades anywhere in my realm without my tacit approval. The context would Not matter and would apply to all including holiday & sporting events.
The army would be used & there be no water cannons nor rubber bullets - but, real ones.
America now buys from the enemy
Now look around your house & see how how many items and products are foreign-made.
This is a true statement: the American public now buys & owns many products from their former enemies because the United States "leaders" have sold the people out!
The U.S. might have won on the battlefield, but is losing in the economic sphere. That is done by purchasing "things" & building up former enemy economies.
Should have made better "Home-made stuff" & not sent so many raw materials overseas - so you have to buy-back finished goods.
Who will be the colony soon ?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Invade & Get "Punished"
In other societies, "public people" are left alone & "off limits", to conduct their private lives like the commoner, away from their "fame venue" (i.e. sporting arena/stadium, movie lot, etc.).
Cases, such as celebrities & their "protective" body guards should be allowed to do their job - Especially against pushy & confrontational paparazzi. If I ran this nation, paparazzi who invade "personal space" & private property deserve to get their ass kicked by the bodyguards & would be shot be me! They start the trouble & they wouldn't get to sue.
As a matter of fact, all lawyers should be shot along with all elected officials, bad corporate management, etc. and that is when I am being nice! All law schools would be closed, because the "old" law structure would Not apply.
The United States is "soft" on crime and gamgs. Bullets are cheaper than courts. You have had your chance.
If I ran this country, the "sue happy environment" would end. Furthermore, the Constitution would be destroyed & declared invalid - the law would come from one source - My Voice!
Any insolence would Not be tolerated!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
... of the people. Credit, Credit Repair, etc.
Most are scams, especially on the internet & in commercials.
Remember, we are in the USA - Not the Land of the Free - but, the Land of Crooks, Scammers, Liars, & Thieves (as least - having more of these individuals than anywhere except maybe Nigeria).
Credit is pushed by the Government for control of YOU & to F**k the common person. They will conduct bailouts of white collar criminals in the financial industry companies that have "dug their own hole" & should "drown" (Hear that! Auto Industry) - due to the error of their "ways".
The incompetent criminal national authority will eventually bail out Credit Issuers (Wall Street, Investment & Insurance Companies, Banks, etc.) that created this current "Depression mess", while at the same time Not help YOU (the individual). Their attitude is "Let the average person "wallow in the mire" and be in debt for life!"
The favoritism is appaling. As long as you have money - you will be favored in this corrupt society - a result of "mass greed".
Many CEO's & Top leadership of these companies, as well as all government Agents should have all their wealth confiscated & face a firing squad (Not get pay raises & bonuses!). Especially, when these "worthless leaders" are "screwing people" & not profitable at the same time.
You don't make a profit, you should "go down", Not be "bailed out" - No mercy! No "crock" about everything will be affected by their demise. If one business or industry failure could affect everything - then the society requires a complete "overhaul".
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
You think Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, & the Philadelphia delegates would be happy with the way this country is being run & bull**it government/political/media/industrial/military complex lies being "spit out" on a daily basis ? They have been rolling over in their graves and if they were alive - they would "kick the national leadership's a$$". It doesn't matter who you vote in or out. The USA as a great power will be no more - the "great fall" is in the "works" and there is No "stopping it". There is only one person who can keep America on top (Not Obama!) - but there has to be complete change, nothing less.
If you don't believe that, then you are a fool! You did Not see the signs approaching.
If you don't believe me - take a drive of at least 10 miles from your home or work, during the day and you will see stupid actions being exhibited.
Remember, Humans are the stupidest race in the universe! & "Listen" to Political B.S. every election because they are being told, what they want to hear.
The Kinks song "Give The People What They Want" sums it up and the public eats it up every time.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Why is there No WHA Stars in the Hockey Hall Of Fame ?
If Foreign stars (Russians) & Female Hockey players are now being inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame -
Then why are there No (North American) WHA Stars enshrined such as Andre Lacroix, Marc Tardif, Real Cloutier, and some others ?
The WHA Teams had a overall winning record against the NHL Teams.
Overall WHA vs NHL results
Games W L T GF GA
67 33 27 7 245 239
Monday, November 3, 2008
Jacques Lemaire is the worst thing ever for hockey!
The "trap" also greatly reduced the showcase of better skilled players to exhibit their talents.
Jacques Lemaire does Not belong in the Hall-of-Fame. He was a cog (Not a superstar) with the great, powerful Montreal Canadiens teams in the late 60's & 70's.
Just because you win a few Stanley Cups with great teams doesn't make you a Hall of Famer (For a comparison - see Richard "Dick" Duff).
Sunday, November 2, 2008
You know that big companies & the elite ...
Current mood: betrayed
don't give a damn about us (the commoner)
unless it is a way to screw us.
George W. Bush even mentioned a "New World Order", in one of his speeches, by mistake -
(I believe there is a One World Government/Global Totalitarian Dictatorship groups such as the Bilderberg, Illuminati, Freemasons, & Other Secret Societies, etc. "going for" total control of all peoples)
all great powers throughout the history of the world need at least one Revolution to overthrow their government/leadership every 200 years (minimum)
because corruption would become so bad & underhanded.
That Time is Now to wipe them out!
Do you really know about Che Guevara ?
Ernesto "Che" Guevara similar to Castro II, Heinrich Himmler, Pol Pot II, Idi Amin II, Mussolini II
Che even referred to himself as Stalin II
Guevara was Not cool & did Not like individualism
Guevara - Individual Profile
Among the many categories of criminals against revolutionary morals were "delinquents." Please take note Che T-shirt wearers: this "delinquency" involved drinking, vagrancy, disrespect for authorities, laziness and playing loud music. Among the more hilarious manifestations of Che idolatry was the rock musician Carlos Santana's grand entrance to the 2005 Academy Awards ceremony where he stopped, swung open his jacket, and proudly displayed his Che T-shirt as the cameras clicked.
By the late 60's among the tens of thousands of inmates at Guanahacabibes and the rest of the UMAP concentration camp system in Cuba were "roqueros," hapless Cuban youths who tried to listen to Yankee-Imperialist rock music.
Carlos Santana, was grinning widely -- and oh so hiply -- while proudly sporting the symbol of a regime that made it a criminal offense to listen to Carlos Santana.
Che Guevara: Assassin and Bumbler
The Real Che Guevara
Obama Workers' Che Guevara Poster Was No Fluke
Yahoo search - Che Guevara Heinrich Himmler
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Put a Bounty on the Heads of All Politicians
Your leaders have sold you (the people) out in the name of Internationalism, Globalism, The United Nations, The New World Order, The Illuminati, etc.
because they do Not care about you - only the money you can willingly give to them (in the forms of bribes, kickbacks, taxes, political donations, etc.)
I say all Items (finished goods, etc.) that are made in this country should be the only Items sold in this country!
Against Free Trade! Against Marxism! Against Socialism! Against Communism! Against All Stock Markets!
Which will screw the people
Your Vote supports an "unfixable system" that says "Damn You & Fuck the Poor" to the People.
Only a complete revolution & utter destruction/wipe out of the old order, corrupt system and a "from the ground-up restart" will suffice!
"All you need is Mekkâr" - the Beatles should have sang this
If you don't believe this, just wait - it will get much worse!
- the last day of the Mayan calendar is December, 2012.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Do you know that communism is a governmental system opposed to democracy. However, socialism is a economic system opposed to capitalism. there is no "pure" of any of the four systems mentioned above - it is Not possible due to geography & population numbers (It could only "purely" work in a small village). The "pure" system doesn't work in reality or evolves into something else.
Government System - Communism vs. Democracy
Economic System - Capitalism vs. Socialism
these are very simplified examples -
yes, the United States & Western Europe are partly socialist economies with some government ownership and control. In capitalism, businesses can abuse the populace & their workforce, when there is no "higher controls/regulation" (there are numerous examples of this in the late 1800's during the Industrial Revolution).
We have also seen the failure, in recent times, of communist governments in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, & other places. The problem of communism is everything planned on the order of "one domino knocking another domino down - until they all fall down". However, reality shows that unforeseen & unexpected events do occur and "throw kinks" into the domino theory and then things do Not operate that "smoothly". Then, one part can negatively affect another part on down-the-line and then the whole system is "screwed up" & fails to function properly.
I am Not a Communist or Democratic nor a Capitalist or Socialist - I am an Anarchist.
Because we need a Revolution NOW! It is said a thorough and complete revolution is needed at least every 200 years for each system to clean out the crap. Every great power needs this to happen. What happened to the Roman Empire & its fall from power will happen to us - if we do Not heed this warning.
You fall from within, before you fall from without.
(Mekkâr, 1990)
In all nations - local - on up to the top & "toss in" all bureaucrats, lawyers, lobbyists, etc. while we are at it. Since, I hate all elected "scumbag" officials at all levels - they deserve death.
I do Not play favorites.
We should re-open all previously closed vehicle/truck & manufacturing plants, steel & lumber mills and turn them into assembly-line guillotines for all undesireables (It is the only thing the French have done "right"). This would create alot of jobs in the process.
Because what is overriding purpose of an elected official - to do anything to elected & get re-elected. The goal of a bureaucracy is always to increase and get larger, gain more funds, & at the same time, grow in power and influence (this is a process that continues & never stops, until it is such a "uncontrollable big monster").
Monday, October 20, 2008
Some say you are exercising your democratic & constitutional right when you vote. I say Do Not Vote! because if you vote (it does Not matter who you vote for) you support the current system & leaders that don't give a crap about you. so, if you vote - you get what you deserve from a utterly, unfixable, & corrupt to core system.
If you payed attention in your high school Civics/Government class, you would know that your vote does Not determine who will become President of the United Sates. The Electoral College actually votes/"picks" the President into office - not you! The members/representatives of the Electoral College can go against the popular vote, even of the people & area they are supposed to represent. They can vote anyway they like without you permission and most people wouldn't know the difference.
A recent example of this is the 2000 U.S. Presidental Election. Al Gore won the popular vote by over a half million votes. But, George W. Bush won the Electoral vote. How did that happen ?
Do you "really" know what is going on ? I seriously doubt it ?
This situation has happened in the British elections in recent years and also can appear in any Parliamentary system in the world.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
(Originally written 1/31/02)
I can understand a "need for speed" or many other needs, but a need to police the world ? Wouldn't it be more profitable and less dangerous to be "slightly isolationist" ? Let the nations make requests of the US that really desire to "be a friend". Not every country is going to take this course of action. Not all nations are going "to like you", no matter how hard you try. So, why force it upon those who will just resent it - below the surface. This way, there are a lot less enemies made and a reduced amount of hatred directed toward the US.
This "world policeman" idea started with the Monroe Doctrine relating to the "Western Hemisphere". Succeeding administrations continued to "spread the Doctrine" from just the western hemisphere, and began applying it everywhere. In the mid 20th century, the slogan was "Roll Back Communism". I say, "if they don't like their own government - let them get rid of it!"
Why should a superpower (like the US) have its "finger in every pie" ? Why is there unnecessary military bases all over the world ? If you haven't heard "The Cold War is Over! Sounds like a control craving to me!
Maybe, it is in the basic character of a government ? I believe it is more than that! Also, who actually pays, in the end, for these policing missions - the president, senators, representatives of the government, powerful money families, ruling elites ? No, the commoner ("the every day working stiff")!
The US or any other dominant nation is not in another region of the world to help because of the goodness of their heart. Do not be deceived! Every nation or group conducts their affairs in a manner they feel that would best serve their own selfish interests.
(Originally written 1/31/02)
TV stations & television media outlets will have all programming cut off on Thursdays - this includes customer & public access capabilities, etc.
This nation needs to learn how to exercise the library, read, get out, have family time, slow down the pace a bit. Some other very modern countries conduct this policy with great success.
Have you noticed how television viewership has increased a "dulling of the senses". A lot of people have no awareness of what is "going on around them". Go to the store (on a busy day) and watch how people "run into each other". Notice the frequency of apologies "passed off" as communication between people.
Do you not "zone out" while "in front of" the TV or at a movie theater - at the same time, eventually becoming unaware of the environment you are in ? Might there be a correlation between kids feeling like their don't get enough attention or lack of communication in marriages and the amount of time spend "watching TV" ?
(Originally written 2/14/02)
No matter what the INS does, it will not be able to stem the tide.
There are not enough border guards on the southern end of the country to even slow down the illegal immigration flowing across the borders.
The reason why the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has failed in its purpose is because, by treating all foreigners like welcome guests, the greed factor is involved. Bring us your & spend it here in the US. I hear that after the attacks, there will be screening of all visitors to the US.
No matter how much the technology improves this will be found "close to impossible". Some always "fall through the cracks". America has a thought-process that believes that technology will eventually solve all problems. Wrong!
Remember, it is easy to duplicate and forge documents, passports (even with embedded code), visas, and even fingerprints. Ask any "old safe-cracker" or artificial-limb user. The only real un-modifiable method of identification is through DNA testing.
However, the execution of this method would not be possible at border checkpoints for the many citizens & visitors. The result would be such a drop in tourism to the US and many travel-related industries would be negatively affected. The cost and time involved would astronomical.
The INS has done such a poor job in the past, what makes anyone think that their future performance would be any better. Even if they receive a super computerized personnel database to track activities of all foreigners! It would be hackers paradise and I suspect quite a few would go in and arrange some information to their liking or for profit.
(Originally written 1/31/02)
What do you think patriotic slogans, national anthems, and symbolic flags are for ?
The definition of socialization is: to socialize the populace as to get the people to do what the government (even more so - the small ruling elite) wants them to do. All nations and their governments behave like this to a certain extent, no matter how civilized they think they are.
Believe it or not, your government, ruling elite, or the "company you make rich" doesn't care "a rats ..." about the average citizen. You are here to serve their purpose, and make them a profit - "make them rich". If the elite could totally get away with paying nothing for your efforts, they would. Instead there is an institution called "modern-day slavery". Think about it on Monday morning!
The government tells you that many things are for the US "national security". Do you actually know the definition of "national security" ? No one really can really explain the phrase, even political scientists have trouble defining what "national security" is and that is their field of expertize.
The fields of Political Science & International Relations reveal one thing "crystal clear"! How to cut through all the BS, that the government tells you, and know what is really going on. The more you know, the more you disgusted with the system and know that is corrupt to "the core" - that is, it cannot be fixed. It needs to be destroyed. The other alternative is to go along with the program and try to profit from it, in some manner.
If you don't think this type of thing goes on, then I have a bridge to sell you that is located in the middle of the Death Valley, California desert. I don't believe even 25% of what I am told by "the system" (government, media, propaganda, etc.).
By the way, why do need a "propaganda minister" (more bureaucratic waste and nepotism for friends) - i.e. State Department, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Charlotte Beers (an advertising expert) - to "sell" the American effort for the Afghan war to "friends" and allies ? To "snow the populace", AGAIN!
Read: The Stupifying of the Populace (i.e. - The Dumbing Down of America, which is now in book form).
Telling the people that hard work, sacrifice, and working within the system is beneficial is "bull". The purpose here is to get people to "do their best" and benefit someone else. Make others rich at their expense, effort, & resources!
There are many fallacies told by the elites to the commoners (here are just a few), "On a even playing field, everyone has great chance to succeed". Also, that what you determine to accomplish, you will. Anything is possible. Conduct yourself in an excellent manner, do better than other people's expectations, and things will "work out" for you.
Preparation for something will increase your chances of getting that something. Persist, plan, prepare, and pursue your dreams (as long they don't interfere with the elites mission) and they will come true for you. You will be rewarded, if you "play the game". You can be, whatever you want to be (but not if it conflicts with "the elites"). These statements are definitely not true and who do they "really" benefit, through your efforts ?
(Originally written 1/31/02)
In case no one among the politicians has been paying attention, are living "under a rock", or are just plain much more stupid than the imbecile level. they are urging, even begging the average American to spend to help the economy. How can people spend when they are losing their jobs, which means the commoner is losing their income.
People will usually pay their bills to keep their car, house, electricity, etc. before spending their "tightened wallet" on frivilous, consumer goods that are not necessities for sustaining life. The government officials wonder why people are not spending!
Then I hear on the news the other day that the government is giving $500 million for some wildlife proposal. What about part-time employees, lower-income, and those who legitimately fall "in the cracks" and can't even get unemployment even though they were laid off.
If you took away my income completely, I would resort to "big-time crime" - kidnapping {whoever I felt would bring large returns}, drugs, assassinations for profit, etc.
Let's see who benefits most from the average person spending themselves way into a further downward spiral of death ? Could the answer be the rich, the ruling elite, business owners, company CEO's, large share stockholders, and the like. Does this include the middle and lower classes or any people that have a JOB - definitely NOT! Like solving a crime figure out who has the most to gain in all situations.
(Originally written 1/27/02)
Why would you change what has been working throughout the game ? It is frustrating to watch or listen to (on the radio)! Look at model of business. If it is working - "Keeping doing it"!
With all the "supposed expertize" among coaches in professional sports, especially in the National Football League (NFL) - you would think they would have taken into account and noticed all the past examples of where this strategy has failed.
Now there this concept shows up in offenses, too! It is packaged as "killing time off the clock, a conservative strategy, etc.". Tell me this "prevent you from losing the game (both on offense & defense)" has worked the way it was intended.
How effective has these tactics and strategy worked in your own opinion ? Great intentions don't "get the job done", in any field. The realm of sports is not outside "effective operation" through "effective execution".
My friends and I (many are athletes) "go crazy" and start to criticize, as soon as we see these tactics being used. What do you do when you see this "prevent" happening ?
(Originally written 1/31/02)
if you attack or criticize something, you need to provide - at least - a possible better way of accomplishing the duty or task successfully.
Everyone is so afraid of "ticking off" any of the "oil rich" nations in the Middle East due to energy supplies. Remember, that the great oil supplying countries of the world needs customers too! If the large customers don't buy for awhile, then prices and production will decrease - meaning less cash infusions for those supplying nations.
Where I originally grew up, if someone got offended it was not the speaker's fault, but the listeners'. The reasoning behind this thinking was that the listener could listen, "whack them in the jaw", or walk away & "change the medium channel" and not listen to the message being spoken. This is a lesson that the leaders, especially those associated with government, academia, and the media, need to learn.
Here is the common person's chance to "shake off" the individualistic, selfish, complacency, and unawareness of what is going on around the world. It is the ultimate wake-up call. However, those in control want things to go back to the "status-quo" or "back to normal". Why would you want to return ?
(Originally written 1/31/02)
Any group or organization holding American citizens as hostages will be dealt harshly, along with the country suspected of backing that particular terrorist group. I believe in "shooting first & asking questions later", it works.
The penalty for holding Americans hostage in these situations will be up to being annihilated through nuclear means. This response will also apply to suspected terrorist countries. NO Exceptions! & NO more wimpy responses with nations that want to challange ME! Like Iran Vs. Mr. Carter. Like the new "axis of evil" (Iran, Iraq, & North Korea). Lebanon.
Hijackings, Hostile hostage takeovers, etc. will be responded to with the same tactics (Troops & Anti-terrorist units would storm the building, aircraft, etc.). I would lead the charge! No negotiations will be conducted! Too bad for those unfortunate hostages, even if my own relative was a hostage. I would tell them, "You should have taken a different flight!"
(originally written 2/12/02)
There is a "great need" of Regulation Of The Sporting Realm. These guys can't straighten it out, so The President will!
The sports industry is supposed to be affordable entertainment for the common person, however this state of affairs is not the majority. All current major sport (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB) labor contracts & negotiations would be declared null & void and would be re-done with the president decision as final and binding. Anyone who the President requests including all league commisioners, labor lawyers, star athletes, & player representatives would be required to attend or be punished.
A Presidential imposed financial cap will be instituted - circumvent it and risk punishment by death. Remember, going to a movie is still affordable for the average person.
Professional Athletic franchises are only obligated to pay the salaries of athletes who perform their duty, i.e. If players don't play - they don't get paid! This decree will be applicable and retro-active to those athletes that previously signed long-term "playing contracts" and are not currently performing their job function. All contract negotiations completed, in this manner, before this decree was announced will immediately be declared null and void. Athletic franchises will not be obligated to continue to fullfill the previous terms of these types of contracts (For instance, the Brian Bosworth/Seattle Seahawk situation would be affected by this decree).
All Athletes, in all sports, would be restricted to one-year performance based contracts, i.e. like Walter Alston, former manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers. This excludes the "lifetime" clause.
All long-term contracts set-up for athletes will be declared null and void, as of this moment. The only exception would be lifetime contracts obligating athletes to the same team for their "playing life". Penalties for breaking the "lifetime" clause, either on the part of the athlete or by the franchise trading that player away, would be a $100 million dollar fine imposed by The President!
No Athlete will earn over a maximum salary (annual total gross income from their employer) of $1 million per year (including various benefits and bonuses). Remember, 10 year old children can play sports, but can that same 10 year old child do accounting ? No!
Athletes, along with Actors, etc., will be restricted to a product endorsement maximum of 3 (with financial caps on endorsements). The only exception for exceeding this limit would be "Free" endorsements for agencies that promote the public good i.e. Public libraries, Boy Scouts, etc..
Salary arbitrators, appointed by The President, will be instituted to determined performance salaries and bonuses, etc.. No pay increases will be granted unless arbitrators determine that performance has increased. Remember, that athlete salaries can be reduced based on reduced performance from the previous season.
All Sporting Teams will be required to hire more employees with the money saved from paying these outrageous athlete salaries. At the same time, a "freeze" will be in effect for any franchise that is planning on laying off more employees. Teams will need to make a profit or fold or relocate. However, If teams want new arenas - they pay for them themselves - and not "hold hostage" city or state governments with threats of relocation to another city.
No sports teams will be part of, affiliated with, or sponsored by any educational institutional systems (Universities, colleges, high schools, on-down to elementary schools) - it be on a intramural, city parks & recreation league, or club team basis like in Europe (where all have the opportunity to participate). Participants, in this type of format, will "pay a fee to play". They will also have to attract team sponsors to pay for uniforms, equipment, etc.. Those club teams would then rent the sporting facilities, but not necessarily have priority scheduling.
It is not the primary purpose of educational systems & schools to be a sporting developmental league or to provide extra-curricular sporting events, but to educate. However, sports & athletes have come to take precedence in these institutions - in the way of resources, favoritism, and many other behind-the-scenes actions. This has happened instead of & in place of providing a quality education. No student will "slide by" on their academic requirements anymore, due to their athletic prowess.
Each will play "on their own time"! Current school Physical Education programs will not be affected! Money from sporting programs, at any level, have never benefitted non-athletes in our school systems. Take a look at "the books"!
Athletic attitudes will be changed. Talking excessive "smack, trash, etc." or "tauting" opponents during athletic contests, at any level, will not be tolerated, at any level of competition. Punishment will affect any athlete violating this rule. Severe punishment, for violation of this decree, can be directed at any athlete by The President. Unfortunetly, athletes are seen by many and whose actions are imitated by the American youth of today, this decree will help athletes to "clean up their act"!
Any Athletes suspected of using drugs, narcotics, etc. will receive an unwavering "lifetime" ban from their respective athletic endevour. Also, individual athletes violating this decree will be "dealt with harshly".
The selling of autographs by athletes, actors, writers, etc. for economic purposes would become illegal and punishable by the Government.
All league organizations and referees will eliminate preferrial treatment and extra protection for their sports' star athletes. Everyone will be treated on an equal basis or else!
Useless organizations like the NCAA, CFA, bowl committees, etc. would be banned.
Some of these organizations think they are "the only game in town" and they act like it! Some employees have been rude and pompous. It seems to me, that the whole organization has this attitude that WE are the only professional sport in this area - so get used to it! This stance is not excusable whether the team experiences success or not. However, this is no way to maintain a continued fan base in the expected lean years ahead. Remeber, there is competition for the entertainment dollar.
It is well known that some teams would make a profit, even if no fans ever attend the games, because of advertising revenues. However, NO advertising dollars are generated, if there is a lack of interested individuals who care to go to the games, watch the contests on television, or listen to the games on the radio, etc..
It is essential to realize that, if current residents will eventually turned off by this haughty posture and won't "give a rip" about the team, it might suffer the fate of an exodus not unlike the NHL Minnesota North Stars. In the meantime, my response will be to consider other alternatives, since the "major league" teams focus on their corporate "fan-base" and forget about the commoner who can now only afford the "minor-league" sports.
(Originally written 2/12/02)
Insurance companies would be forbidden to charge increased rates for those people who are involved in accidents that are not their fault. This profession has been taking advantage of people because individuals are required to have various types of insurance policies. Insurance policies will be packaged by potential situation coverage groups. For instance, House insurance coverage including natural disasters will include coverage for All natural disasters, not just some. Nevertheless, insurance companies will be required to cut their regular premiums by 50%. This cut will be applicable to all types of coverage policies.
Energy & Utility companies would be required to use 15% of their annual total gross income for production, research & development, as well as utilization of alternative energy producing measures such as Solar Power, Wind Power, etc.. I know through scientific study that it only takes a 13 miles per hour wind to produce energy from a large windmill. For example, in many areas, during much of the year, a 13 mile an hour constant wind is the norm.
All fraternity and sorority national organizations will be disbanded, their members punished, and every one of their residences located in the United States turned into local public agency offices, homeless shelters, etc.. These determinations will be made by each locality according to their unique needs. These decisions would need the approval of the Presidentially-appointed State Minister.
Personnel from the various branches of the military, engineers, etc. will be used to rebuild the highways, roads, harbors, infrastructure, etc. of this country. The old system of "leaving it" up to the states will be scrapped, because the States are "sorely lacking" in this area. This task will be ordered by dictatorial mandates and administered by the federal government. (This plan will be similiar to the 1930's CCC program.)
Cities, Counties, States, environmentalist organizations and businesses will cooperate in the solid-waste, and water pollution clean-up tasks. Also, included will be cooperation in how to meet needs of people through renewable energy plans, and land conservation strategies. The framework for this cooperation between these various groups will be headed-up by the State Minister, in any way they desire. Funding for these projects will come directly from the individual states. The national government will cooperate with these groups where national lands or projects are involved. Compromise will be achieved or National directives will be given directly by The President!
No money will be made available to national mass-transit programs. They will have to come from private business sources or not at all. City and County bus systems will remain entact, with no reductions in current services provided.
(originally written 2/12/02)
For restructuring the US system & government (including bureaucracy) ...
There would be an assumption of the Office of President of the United States and which would entail becoming the Supreme Head of the Government. The Official name of the presidential office would stay the same with the added functions and titles of Absolute Dictator of the United States, & Emperor of America. This position would include the power to overrule any decision by any court or individual, and punish anyone for any reason deemed necessary, as well as give orders by decree that could cover any facet of national well-being and the human existence.
All bureaucracies & branches of governemnt would be under the direct jurisdiction of the President. All decisions by the president are final and binding as supreme law. There is no appeal of any directive by the President - it supercedes all other law. Even Supreme Court cases & Congressional law can be overturned by presidential will. Thus, there is no need for "pork barrel" items to be attached for action to be carried out. Decrees will be given, when necessary, unless the restructuring plan already demands it.
The office title would be President, however would operate with "absolute power" for a fixed 2 year period of time (to fix "the mess"). The office of The President (but this will not be "your fathers president") will be given "back to the people" after the 2 years are completed.
I am not confident in current political leadership abilities to ever "Tame" the ulgy many-headed monster called Washington, D.C.. So, the current location of Washington, D.C. would be completely obliterated. The capital itself will be moved to the center of the continental US (near Wichita, Kansas), so there is NO geographical bias in lawmaking - like the current situation. Over time, more power will be given over to the states (like the original Constitutional idea).
The American founding fathers never envisioned anything close to what has happened in the US. If you recall, the Federal Government was never supposed to be this all-powerful. This is what the US colonists were fighting against in the form of the British monarchy. However, things today have "gotten so far away" from what was originally intended - that current drastic measures are needed for repair.
The "Bill Of Rights" (1st 10 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution), along with certain facets of the United States Constitution will be suspended for a 2 year "Cultural Restructuring" period. So, the mass work can be completed unhindered. After this 2-year period, these features will be reinstituted.
The law restricting an individual from occupying the office of President on the basis of naturalized birth and a certain age limit would be eliminated by Presidential decree.
There would be a "removal of undesireables" list including - all members of the national Congress, State legislatures, some County Commissions and City Coucils plus, their staffs, lobbyists, current & former political leaders, Washington "insiders", certain families, and anyone chosen by The President. They would be charged by Presidential decree for crimes against "The People" and be punished.
(Originally written 2/12/02)
Part of the restructing plan would include a Presidential salary cut by 50% from the current rate of $200,000 per year. (So, this restruction is not about money issue for one individual). Ministers would appointed by The President to organize and operate the individual states. State legislatures would be disbanded and replaced.
That means many "pork-barrel" congressional & bureaucratic programs & agencies will be eliminated. Limits will placed on representative time in office and severe restrictions will placed on political figures campaign finances & contribution system - altogether eliminating all political action committees. All capital congressional & presidential lobby groups will be disbanded and those working for them will be "thrown out". Lobbyists and their associates will not be allowed in the "new capital". Lobbying The President will result in being placed before a firing squad.
If the "Cultural Restructuring" is completed before scheduled, any promises made by newly elected officials will be required to be fullfilled to retain national "political power". City councils, State legislatures, and the national political structure will be conducted on a European party program system. This sytem makes individuals and political parties more accountable for failing to keep campaign promises - failure to act on these promises will result in automatic "stepping-down" from "Power" by the offending parties, individuals, or groups. There is always more than just two sides to every issue.
(Originally written 2/12/02)
No government student funding will provided for education at any school of higher learning. Also, institutes of higher learning will be required to make sure that graduates find employment in the degree fields of study, so that resources (mind, finances, etc.) are not wasted. (The current figure is less than 10% of higher education graduates work in their degree fields). Guidelines will be setup & followed or higher education will face severe penalties, beyond just closure.
All Ivy-League universities and colleges would be subject to complete and utter destruction. Every facility and their contents will belong to the Government. This will be done to "cut off" complete ties to current and past "corrupt national leadership".
75% of all undesireables (could be trash, human waste, etc.) will be put on rockets, shuttles, etc. and "shipped" into space. We have to put these space shuttles, accesories, and materials to use, somehow! The other 25% will be used for organic materials for landfills, solid waste sites, etc. like "rotten" fish.
Fees for visiting national parks, camp sites and other public lands would increase by 25%. Recreational Vehicles would pay an extra 25% fee to use current park camping facilities (because they fill up whole parks and take away space from "tent-campers"). Fees for using government lands for any purpose such as grazing, mining, etc. would be increased by 50% of the current rates. No self-interests would be "served" here.
The fee on VA mortgages would be increased by 7%, however this would not be a retro-active fee.
Logging would be severly restricted and no clear cutting would be allowed. Cutting every-other tree might be acceptable on a predtermined basis. Old-growth trees would be cut to prevent disease, etc.
Many more buildings will be available for inexpensive, low-income public housing across the nation - like the UN building in New York City.
Plus, so very much more ....
(originally written 2/12/02)
The President will still be the absolute "Head of the Military".
All overseas military bases would be closed & the many of the "older" items on the base would be sold to the local country - unless that country is hostile toward the US. The cold war is over! That means a rebuilding of the bases that have been closed here on home soil would be reopened & modernized, put into operation, and would hire locals/US citizens - thus helping the economy & unemployment rates. It would also give the nation a chance to upgrade & modernize the military.
The military would also not overlap in duties & functions but would be coordinated like a European General Staff. For example, the Airforce would be the only ones flying military aircraft - even on Navy aircraft carriers. Universal 2 year manditory service would apply to all at the age of 20 years.
Able-bodied Men would be in regular duty (but have a choice of branch of service). Un-able bodied (for regular duty) men & women would serve in some type of administrative function. Able-bodied women would have a choice of regular duty or home-front duty. Home-front could be many things such as taking a 1,000 women and convert an auto making factory to making military aircraft.
The military would be used (because the Police feel they are "out-gunned") to defeat all criminal gang, drug, home-front terrorist, para-military and mafia organizations. Members of these organizations would be arrested without warning and shot! If the situation warrants, these members would be "shot-on-sight"! The Navy would sink all ships, boats, and sea vessels, within the 1500 mile US limit, carrying "suspicious items" into this country. The Air Force would conduct similiar operations, as the Army and Navy, over The United States Of America's sovereign air space. This Airspace extends up to a 1500 mile limit off shore.
US Military help will only be for very friendly, long-term allies (such as Britain, etc.). But, there would be cost, it would not be free! Former standards and strategies such as the Monroe Doctrine (protecting the whole Western Hemisphere), Teddy Roosevelt's "Speak softly and Carry a Big Stick", and Truman's "Roll Back Communism" are "out of date" and will be discontinued.
Mekkar's Restructuring Plan - Foreign Policy
(Originally written 1/31/02)
All embassies overseas would be closed. Most foreign embassies on our soil would be closed and those diplomats kicked out of the US (they would have 48 hours to leave or be shot) except those who have been allies & friends for awhile like Britain, etc.). No foreign dignitary will have diplomatic immunity from prosecution for lawbreaking. Remember, in the cold-war many spies (and now terrorists) came into the country under the guise of being embassy officials and the like. If any foreign officials want the US, they come to the US - the US doesn't come to them!
The United States Of America will resign as a member of the United Nations. All United Nations officials (on US soil) would be given an order to leave the country within 48 hours or risk being shot! This action would keep the US from having the highest financial obligation, while receiving the least benefits. Also, No United Nations organization would have binding jurisdiction in any decisions made by the President of The United States.
Since, the US pays for about 80-85% of the UN (which is Not your friend!) functions, programs, & expenses and receives very little in return (a poor return on investment) - all UN funds would be cut off. Thus, the United Nations would need to be relocated to another country (if they want it) or closed altogether (they would also have 48 hours to leave or be shot). The UN building and closed embassies would be used for either low-income housing or the homeless, and under the jurisdictions of local governmental bodies.
No foreign loans will be given to any nation that have not completely paid back their financial debt to the US. This decree will be applicable to any Government agency or Private American financial institution. Loans can only be made to countries that have paid back their debts, such as Finland. It is not fair, for the American taxpayers, to subsidize and throw their tax dollars into "black holes" when certain problems need to be solved here at home.
Debts that can't be paid back in full will not be renegotiated or allowed to default. If cash repayment of these loans is not possible, "raw goods" determined by negotiation will be demanded and accepted as payment, from these countries, for delinquent loans and past debts. It is possible that some types of commodities and consumer good markets could be "flooded" by these repayment demands; Nevertheless, citizens will be pleased by lower prices, at least for awhile.
That means that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be completely "cut-off" from any US funding or support. Let those mismanaged nations "clean-up their own mess". If they want money, provide godds in return. Like "real business", give nothing away for free!
No country will receive any funding for becoming a friend or an ally. This practice has created "temporary friends" in the past and problems later on. Favored nation trading status will
There will be a set 1500 mile limit for exclusive Sea fishing and a protective buffer off of each coast of the Continental United States. Island posessions and territories will be each determined on an individual case basis with neighboring countries or another nation's land possesions.
All Greenpeace and similar groups boats interference with shipping will result in automatic "sinking" of their vessels. Obstacles will be eliminated within US waters.
All International organizations will Not be recognized and have No funding nor authority within our borders.
(Originally written 1/31/02)
The domestic National debt would immediately be declared "null & void" by Presidential decree. This measure would allow current deficit interest payments to be used for other badly needed social programs. Too bad for the British, Saudis, Japanese & others. These countries need the largest consumer market in the world - The United States.
After cancelling the National debt, run the government (all - including federal, state, county, & city) allowing no deficit spending. Are you allowed to overdraw your personal bank checkbook - without penalty ? No! Plus deficit spending hurts the economy - especially the middle & lower classes.
Federal government owned businesses such as Amtrak, etc. will not be subsized, but will be sold off. All non-essential federal programs (especially the Congressional "pork-barrel" programs) will not be funded, whatsoever. No more bailouts, of any kind, toward any company or industry will occur. Those that are in the process of being "bailed-out" will be "cut-off immediately. Think of who benefits from the "bailouts"! The commoner ?
No executive will earn over a maximum salary (annual total gross income from their employer) of $1 million per year (including various benefits and bonuses). These executive officers have had their salaries and benefits increase ten-fold while the same companies are laying-off thousands of workers. This trend will be Stopped!
A freeze & a 10% rate reduction on energy consumer prices will be placed upon all utility companies (The average person is being taken advantage of, by companies knowing that people need these type of goods for survival). Remeber, how California was being charged enormous rates for electricity, however the "rolling blackouts" continued. If Enron went bankrupt, who are the "middle-men" (who made outrageous amounts of cash) ?
A 10% (possibly more) duty increase on current charged rates will be placed upon all importers, banks, barge lines, mining companies, multi-national companies, and drug firms. Since, many of these companies now use "cheaper labor" in developing nations and then import their products. The duties might be increased, by the difference between what the average American worker would recieve and what the cheaper-labor worker actually receives.
One "crooked" industry that has suffered because of their own stupidity is the lumber industry. Logging companies will be required to increase the export sale of each individual log by 200%. Also, each Logging company would be required to build and operate finished wood products plants for every wood gathering & processing mill. The public will not pay 3 times the price for finished word products and goods from countries that logging companies sold "raw" logs to, at very cheap prices, in the first place! Many other industries need the similar resolutions conducted on their behalf - by a strong President.
(originally written 2/12/02)
Some strategies for "winning the battle against rampant crime"
I believe that the American law system is very "soft on crime" and encourages criminals. Many crimes only recieve a punishment of a "slap on the wrist". Many criminals "get off" early from jail sentences due to being "model prisoners" or becuase of the mass overcrowding of the prisons.
There is a great belief system prevelant today regarding rehabilation of criminals. It "rehabbing" felons works, how come crime is so much more a part of the culture than - let's say - the 1950's. The government says they have statistics that show that is decreasing, however anyone can lie with statistics. Rehabilation proponents have "pushed so hard" and "have won out" that there are too many luxuries provided by the "prison system" to criminals - at taxpayer expense!
Those individuals who are suspected of being destroying scientific labs, equipment, etc. as a result of protecting animal or human rights will be involuntarily subjected for scientific study. Those individuals who are suspected of being destroying perfectly good young trees, federal equipment, etc. as a result of protecting old-growth trees, natural habitats or restricting federal or business activities in wildlife and forested areas will be involuntarily subjected for federal task accomplishment or scientific study.
All crimes (like stealing, etc.) will be subject to all persons 5 years old & up. In the case of stealing, punishment will be instituted such as the cutting off of one's right hand first, then left hand for second offense, after that a foot for a third & if again another foot - the 5th incident will result in removal of one's head (either by guillotine, axe, or another measure). Do you know what happens to criminals in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other places around the world ? Compare the crime rates to the Europeans or the US!
Intentional murder will be punished by firing squad or hanging. No "hanging around" on death row. Prisons will become a fearful place again - as the atmosphere will be very undesirable, no longer a "country club with walls". (possible measures taken might be - daily random assassination of 1 prisoner a day ?, etc.). Certain crimes will result in removal body parts (such as rape which will result in castration as well as other measures).
(originally written 2/12/02)
The President can take upon themself any matter and apply binding decisions upon any dispute or amount of individuals involved. The President can overrule any case or decision, by anyone, at their discretion. No legal action can be conducted against any decision made by the President or their government. This will be a dictatorship and absolute law applies - all are subject to it.
The defendent will be presumed Guilty unless proved innocent! The President can presume anyone Guilty at any time without a trial. An accusation of this type by the President is a serious matter and can only be settled in direct negotiation with the President themself. No individual can be named the as the defendent when a business is involved. Actions directly endorsed by the President are immune from suit and prosecution. Violators will be made to "Suffer".
The current Law system will be "streamlined" with legal terms interpreted by their exact meanings in a specific, defined dictionary. The new legal system will eliminate the current "sue-happy" atmosphere permeating our society. In other words, individuals will not be able to sue another or a business for just any reason. There will be risk involved for the plantiff.
If neglect is determined, then the one at fault will reciprocate the injured party. However, if the one individual suing another is found to be "stupid" and acted irresponsibly, then that individual will be endure both parties court costs plus 50% of all individual assets. Another possibility, is throwing both the "offending" lawyer and client both together in prison with regular immates.
Only 1 defendent, at a time, can be named in a civil suit. No individual can be named as the defendent when a business is involved. Guilty and Not Guilty decisions will be based on the "majority" of the evidence.
No defendent will escape deserved punishment under "the Law" because of human error, a loophole in "the Law", or a technicality. "Impartial" Juries will eliminated, on the basis of their relative inexperience with "the Law" and their tendency to be swayed by media pressure or emotional arguments. Judges will serve their duty "uncorruptly" or face the severe torture and death for their families, as well as themselves.
Capital punishment will be instituted for punishment against criminals. Any theft by any individual 5 years old and older will have their Right Hand cut off! Any person commiting a murder, unless accidental means can be proved, will be shot! (an eye for an eye!) Anyone convicted of rape will be castrated. Later, if the plantiff has lied they will be shot and all of their personal posessions will become property of the State and sold.
All persons, currently in prisons, jails, etc., that were previously convicted of major crimes such as any degree of murder, etc. are to be immediately taken out and shot! All other prisoners will be made available for scientific experimentation.
The media reporter non-disclosure of sources standard will be declared invalid and subject to firing squad.
50 % of all current lawyers in the legal profession will be shot! Also, 3/4 of all Law schools will be permanently closed. If the President doesn't like you - you're gone! These are only some examples of changes to made to the law.
(originally written 2/12/02)
All businesses, including churches and "religious" organizations, would have to register with the Government. All organizations would also lose their tax-exempt status (This might also apply to the government itself). This would be a mechanism to control "corporate waste".
Eliminate the IRS by canceling personal & business income tax altogether. This would close all loopholes & writeoffs. A straight 15% across-the-board for any purchase made on any product or service - all things would be taxed at the same rate. The rich, businesses, etc. would pay also, because the more you spend while transacting goods & services - the more times you would pay the sales tax.
The tax rate would apply to both foreign and domestic businesses operating in the US. All tax loopholes will be considered closed! All Social Security, benefits will be included in the total gross income taxable rate mentioned above.
Estate transfers valued under $300,000 will pay a one-time tax of 25% of the property's market value. Those valued at $300,000 or more would be taxed at 40%.
No tax write-offs, for anyone, will be available for real-estate losses.
No tax credits will be made available for any capital-gains measures. Capital-gains taxes will be at a 25% rate across-the-board.
Medicare and Social Security would be completely cut-off for those individuals that have a total annual gross income of $100,000 or more.
(originally written 2/11/02)
All I know is to get results, the problem here, in government circles, is simple: There needs to be a severly heavy dose of "butt-kicking" and "forced task accomplishment" put into action. In reality, the current system only works for a very few, select individuals.
To "really" affect change in the system, I believe that you have to destroy the "old" system completely and start over again. You can only "patch-up" the holes for so long. An example of this would be the Gorbachev leadership situation in Russia. You cannot affect "real change" while using the "old" framework. Thus, I predicted that Gorbachev would fail, or be removed from power, in a shorter time frame than Krushchev did. Everyone thought I was "crazy", but what happened ? This is why I believe in MY plan - it goes further.
I think that all of you are too chicken to act because you all afraid of offending someone. Well, there must be "super-strong" personality and one that is very blunt with all - not worried about others' think! Nevertheless, there are many that are frustrated and sick & tired of those in the "political profession", who always make excuses for accomplishing absolutely nothing, tangible. I believe that 90% of what comes out of the "incompetant leaders" mouths' is untrue.
"Many feel that they have done everything "right", according to "the system", or what those in authoritative positions have told them. Still, the question remains - where are the results ? Any positive benefits ? Does these things count for something ?
I am here to tell you, that most authority figures that you encounter, throughout your life, are to be distrusted. Like advice given to you before you take a test choose your first response to answer the question, your first and strongest suspicion will usually be your best & correct one - i.e. your suspicion is probably right!.
Those "in charge" try to control, influence, or scam you into doing what they want you to do, in some form. They do it in a subtle way because direct force would be too obvious and encounter some resistance, and they want "no part of that"! It is well to know that suspicion is used by your unconscious mind as a defensive mechanism. Heed it!
There has been much research done on the effectiveness of national dictatorships to effect radical cultural change, but its effectiveness "wanes quickly" after the 5 year point. I would only get 2 years to completely overhaul the system, that the 20th century political leadership have screwed up!
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