Mekkar's Restructuring Plan - Crime
(originally written 2/12/02)
Some strategies for "winning the battle against rampant crime"
I believe that the American law system is very "soft on crime" and encourages criminals. Many crimes only recieve a punishment of a "slap on the wrist". Many criminals "get off" early from jail sentences due to being "model prisoners" or becuase of the mass overcrowding of the prisons.
There is a great belief system prevelant today regarding rehabilation of criminals. It "rehabbing" felons works, how come crime is so much more a part of the culture than - let's say - the 1950's. The government says they have statistics that show that is decreasing, however anyone can lie with statistics. Rehabilation proponents have "pushed so hard" and "have won out" that there are too many luxuries provided by the "prison system" to criminals - at taxpayer expense!
Those individuals who are suspected of being destroying scientific labs, equipment, etc. as a result of protecting animal or human rights will be involuntarily subjected for scientific study. Those individuals who are suspected of being destroying perfectly good young trees, federal equipment, etc. as a result of protecting old-growth trees, natural habitats or restricting federal or business activities in wildlife and forested areas will be involuntarily subjected for federal task accomplishment or scientific study.
All crimes (like stealing, etc.) will be subject to all persons 5 years old & up. In the case of stealing, punishment will be instituted such as the cutting off of one's right hand first, then left hand for second offense, after that a foot for a third & if again another foot - the 5th incident will result in removal of one's head (either by guillotine, axe, or another measure). Do you know what happens to criminals in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other places around the world ? Compare the crime rates to the Europeans or the US!
Intentional murder will be punished by firing squad or hanging. No "hanging around" on death row. Prisons will become a fearful place again - as the atmosphere will be very undesirable, no longer a "country club with walls". (possible measures taken might be - daily random assassination of 1 prisoner a day ?, etc.). Certain crimes will result in removal body parts (such as rape which will result in castration as well as other measures).
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