(originally written 2/11/02)
All I know is to get results, the problem here, in government circles, is simple: There needs to be a severly heavy dose of "butt-kicking" and "forced task accomplishment" put into action. In reality, the current system only works for a very few, select individuals.
To "really" affect change in the system, I believe that you have to destroy the "old" system completely and start over again. You can only "patch-up" the holes for so long. An example of this would be the Gorbachev leadership situation in Russia. You cannot affect "real change" while using the "old" framework. Thus, I predicted that Gorbachev would fail, or be removed from power, in a shorter time frame than Krushchev did. Everyone thought I was "crazy", but what happened ? This is why I believe in MY plan - it goes further.
I think that all of you are too chicken to act because you all afraid of offending someone. Well, there must be "super-strong" personality and one that is very blunt with all - not worried about others' think! Nevertheless, there are many that are frustrated and sick & tired of those in the "political profession", who always make excuses for accomplishing absolutely nothing, tangible. I believe that 90% of what comes out of the "incompetant leaders" mouths' is untrue.
"Many feel that they have done everything "right", according to "the system", or what those in authoritative positions have told them. Still, the question remains - where are the results ? Any positive benefits ? Does these things count for something ?
I am here to tell you, that most authority figures that you encounter, throughout your life, are to be distrusted. Like advice given to you before you take a test choose your first response to answer the question, your first and strongest suspicion will usually be your best & correct one - i.e. your suspicion is probably right!.
Those "in charge" try to control, influence, or scam you into doing what they want you to do, in some form. They do it in a subtle way because direct force would be too obvious and encounter some resistance, and they want "no part of that"! It is well to know that suspicion is used by your unconscious mind as a defensive mechanism. Heed it!
There has been much research done on the effectiveness of national dictatorships to effect radical cultural change, but its effectiveness "wanes quickly" after the 5 year point. I would only get 2 years to completely overhaul the system, that the 20th century political leadership have screwed up!
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