Mekkar's Restructuring Plan - Quality Of Life Issues
(Originally written 2/12/02)
Insurance companies would be forbidden to charge increased rates for those people who are involved in accidents that are not their fault. This profession has been taking advantage of people because individuals are required to have various types of insurance policies. Insurance policies will be packaged by potential situation coverage groups. For instance, House insurance coverage including natural disasters will include coverage for All natural disasters, not just some. Nevertheless, insurance companies will be required to cut their regular premiums by 50%. This cut will be applicable to all types of coverage policies.
Energy & Utility companies would be required to use 15% of their annual total gross income for production, research & development, as well as utilization of alternative energy producing measures such as Solar Power, Wind Power, etc.. I know through scientific study that it only takes a 13 miles per hour wind to produce energy from a large windmill. For example, in many areas, during much of the year, a 13 mile an hour constant wind is the norm.
All fraternity and sorority national organizations will be disbanded, their members punished, and every one of their residences located in the United States turned into local public agency offices, homeless shelters, etc.. These determinations will be made by each locality according to their unique needs. These decisions would need the approval of the Presidentially-appointed State Minister.
Personnel from the various branches of the military, engineers, etc. will be used to rebuild the highways, roads, harbors, infrastructure, etc. of this country. The old system of "leaving it" up to the states will be scrapped, because the States are "sorely lacking" in this area. This task will be ordered by dictatorial mandates and administered by the federal government. (This plan will be similiar to the 1930's CCC program.)
Cities, Counties, States, environmentalist organizations and businesses will cooperate in the solid-waste, and water pollution clean-up tasks. Also, included will be cooperation in how to meet needs of people through renewable energy plans, and land conservation strategies. The framework for this cooperation between these various groups will be headed-up by the State Minister, in any way they desire. Funding for these projects will come directly from the individual states. The national government will cooperate with these groups where national lands or projects are involved. Compromise will be achieved or National directives will be given directly by The President!
No money will be made available to national mass-transit programs. They will have to come from private business sources or not at all. City and County bus systems will remain entact, with no reductions in current services provided.
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