Mekkar's Restructuring Plan - Military
(originally written 2/12/02)
The President will still be the absolute "Head of the Military".
All overseas military bases would be closed & the many of the "older" items on the base would be sold to the local country - unless that country is hostile toward the US. The cold war is over! That means a rebuilding of the bases that have been closed here on home soil would be reopened & modernized, put into operation, and would hire locals/US citizens - thus helping the economy & unemployment rates. It would also give the nation a chance to upgrade & modernize the military.
The military would also not overlap in duties & functions but would be coordinated like a European General Staff. For example, the Airforce would be the only ones flying military aircraft - even on Navy aircraft carriers. Universal 2 year manditory service would apply to all at the age of 20 years.
Able-bodied Men would be in regular duty (but have a choice of branch of service). Un-able bodied (for regular duty) men & women would serve in some type of administrative function. Able-bodied women would have a choice of regular duty or home-front duty. Home-front could be many things such as taking a 1,000 women and convert an auto making factory to making military aircraft.
The military would be used (because the Police feel they are "out-gunned") to defeat all criminal gang, drug, home-front terrorist, para-military and mafia organizations. Members of these organizations would be arrested without warning and shot! If the situation warrants, these members would be "shot-on-sight"! The Navy would sink all ships, boats, and sea vessels, within the 1500 mile US limit, carrying "suspicious items" into this country. The Air Force would conduct similiar operations, as the Army and Navy, over The United States Of America's sovereign air space. This Airspace extends up to a 1500 mile limit off shore.
US Military help will only be for very friendly, long-term allies (such as Britain, etc.). But, there would be cost, it would not be free! Former standards and strategies such as the Monroe Doctrine (protecting the whole Western Hemisphere), Teddy Roosevelt's "Speak softly and Carry a Big Stick", and Truman's "Roll Back Communism" are "out of date" and will be discontinued.
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