(Originally written 1/31/02)
What do you think patriotic slogans, national anthems, and symbolic flags are for ?
The definition of socialization is: to socialize the populace as to get the people to do what the government (even more so - the small ruling elite) wants them to do. All nations and their governments behave like this to a certain extent, no matter how civilized they think they are.
Believe it or not, your government, ruling elite, or the "company you make rich" doesn't care "a rats ..." about the average citizen. You are here to serve their purpose, and make them a profit - "make them rich". If the elite could totally get away with paying nothing for your efforts, they would. Instead there is an institution called "modern-day slavery". Think about it on Monday morning!
The government tells you that many things are for the US "national security". Do you actually know the definition of "national security" ? No one really can really explain the phrase, even political scientists have trouble defining what "national security" is and that is their field of expertize.
The fields of Political Science & International Relations reveal one thing "crystal clear"! How to cut through all the BS, that the government tells you, and know what is really going on. The more you know, the more you disgusted with the system and know that is corrupt to "the core" - that is, it cannot be fixed. It needs to be destroyed. The other alternative is to go along with the program and try to profit from it, in some manner.
If you don't think this type of thing goes on, then I have a bridge to sell you that is located in the middle of the Death Valley, California desert. I don't believe even 25% of what I am told by "the system" (government, media, propaganda, etc.).
By the way, why do need a "propaganda minister" (more bureaucratic waste and nepotism for friends) - i.e. State Department, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy Charlotte Beers (an advertising expert) - to "sell" the American effort for the Afghan war to "friends" and allies ? To "snow the populace", AGAIN!
Read: The Stupifying of the Populace (i.e. - The Dumbing Down of America, which is now in book form).
Telling the people that hard work, sacrifice, and working within the system is beneficial is "bull". The purpose here is to get people to "do their best" and benefit someone else. Make others rich at their expense, effort, & resources!
There are many fallacies told by the elites to the commoners (here are just a few), "On a even playing field, everyone has great chance to succeed". Also, that what you determine to accomplish, you will. Anything is possible. Conduct yourself in an excellent manner, do better than other people's expectations, and things will "work out" for you.
Preparation for something will increase your chances of getting that something. Persist, plan, prepare, and pursue your dreams (as long they don't interfere with the elites mission) and they will come true for you. You will be rewarded, if you "play the game". You can be, whatever you want to be (but not if it conflicts with "the elites"). These statements are definitely not true and who do they "really" benefit, through your efforts ?
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