The Follower Mentality
(originally written 1/31/02)
The follower - or the fraternity-sorority mentality - "kissing butt" to be part of a "selective group". Has it been beneficial ?
Even in movies from the 1970"s, they say Americans are "soft". Yes, this only partially true, but I go a step further by saying most "First World" countries people are "soft". If you would "heavily invade" most of them, the people would "cower like a bunch of dogs". Especially, if you starting shooting them from "house to house". Then, the result would a conquered people. Remember, this behavior only encourages a dictator or a terrorist.
Nobody has "the eggs" to take charge and "kick some butt anymore". If there is that "rare person" who takes charge and "stands out" from the rest of the people, it is seen as a "bad thing". Look at sub-cultures of the "corporate world", academia, the media, and the society as a whole. "let's get everyone to conform and get along" is part of the "flawed" belief value system. The Nordic nations, and a few others such as Iran are the "most guilty" of "socializing conformity among the populace".
In the past, I always thought that America was the most individualistic society in the world. I was wrong. It is only that way on the surface. There is an inherent need for people to be accepted. That means, in practice, that there many who have need "to be led". Look at the apathy around you, especially on campuses today.
We need "real leaders", not "role models". The problem with "role models" is that their private lives might not be even "close" to what their public perception is. Sometimes their lives are not something a good mother bestow upon their children. "Real Leaders" do not include athletes, (see spoiled, drugs, law-breakers, etc.). Mr. Barkley" called it right by saying in essence, "we are not role models!" - and they shouldn't be idolized.
I remember, pro coaches telling our team members - that a 10 year old can (although not very well) play our game, but that same 10 year cannot "have a concept of doing" accounting, teaching, or high-rise construction.
"Real Leaders" do not include politicians, doctors, lawyers, bankers, sales people, and a host of others. By the nature of their "public service activity" - they lie, steal, cheat, plus more. At the people's expense!
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