Sunday, October 19, 2008

In the aftermath of Sept. 11
(originally written 1/31/02)


In buying the flags, gas masks, haz suits, and the like in the aftermath of the September 11th incident - think of who profits the most. The rich made a ton off the people in prosperous times and now they stand to gain more. Yes, they want you to buy to increase their wealth.

For all the flag waving and "new patriotism", there were not alot of new volunteers to serve their nation's armed forces. You would also think there would be many more mercenaries for the bin Laden bounty. Action costs alot more than just funds! It has been said, "Talk is cheap, do it on the field".

Concentrating on peace, love, etc. doesn't work. That is because of mankind's basic nature of the need to conquer, dominate, and the subjection all things. Calls for lasting peace (i.e. no more wars) have been made for milleniums with no success. Do you really see love for all of the human race in the world today ? No! Will you ? Not on a "grand scale"!

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